Wednesday 27 February 2013

NIGHT & DAY; design project

Night & Day

Hasn't February gone by quickly! As I haven't made any thing outside of uni this month I thought I would share some of my current textiles work.

Super short summary of my project so far:
The theme given to this project is 'Journey', I started by looked and observing my own day to day journey. Things that change such as my route to uni/town, and things that don't. An example I used for some that stays totally unique to me is my fingerprint.
I like the idea that life goes round in circles, in birth and death, in seasons, in patterns, or however you want to label it. I have sourced other influences to help me create two fashion collections for Summer 2013. Artists and designers researched so far include; MC Esher, Andy Goldsworthy, Henri Matisse, Mara Hoffman, Chloe, Hadley Holliday.

Two mood boards of my development work made specifically for my blog;


Other Sketchbook work;