Sunday 23 December 2012

Christmas Stocking

Christmas stockings...

Hello all the lovely people that look at my blog. Today I will be posting something I made a couple of months ago but they had to be ready in time for christmas! In total they took me about 6 hours each to make, the materials were all sourced from Leeds Market and I think they look very cute! I cut out a paper template to make sure they were the same size, pinned it to the lining and the red fabric. I then tried pinning different embellishments to the stocks to see what worked best. I made two bows out of cream fabric, I hand stitched the beads round the names and appliquéd the names onto the darker green fabric.

Need an iron and some fur added to the top.. Note to self, using a celebrations box as a sewing box makes you feel hungry.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Mangal Sutra Ceremony; Pre Wedding tradition

The mangal sutra ceremony is a tradition before the wedding, it is about the acceptance of both bride and groom into each others family. 
The wedding day photographs are on my website, on a password protected page. Just message me if you would like the password. 
Website -

Kavita and James exchange flower garlands. This symbolises the unification of their hearts.

A sair in maroon with gold is given to Kavita by James mother, Sue, in acceptance of her entering their family. This Gharchoru is draped around Kavita by James's sisters.

Monday 12 November 2012

Halloween Alice In Wonderland Party

For my friends 21st birthday I attempted to re-create the Mad Hatters tea party from Alice in Wonderland. Held on halloween night, I incorporated decorations you might typically have at a halloween party. A lot of my inspiration is from Pinterest (, a fantastic website that I spend way too long looking at, I'm sure I have planned out my future house on there! For those of you that don't know, Pinterest is like google image search but with a creative, desirable or artistic images. 
For the event I was, obviously, dressed as the Mad Hatter.


The table;

The birthday cake;
I sandwiched two chocolate cakes together, one on top of the other. Then, I scooped out a section in the middles to create a bathtub shape. I placed the Barbie in and covered the top with marshmallows as bubble bath. The plastic champagne candle holders were an idea my godmother had done for me earlier in the year. I think the whole cake was a perfect depiction of my lovely friend.

Lemon Drizzle cake with a twist;
Mini-cupcakes infused with lemon and made with green food colouring in the middle (which you can't see in this photo), a creation made by myself and a friend.

Favourite food idea inspired directly from Pinterest.
This dessert is orange sprinkles, peach/vanilla yoghurt and crushed oreos. layer them up to creative a visually interesting dessert.

Chocolate mousse;
I individually wrote out R's, I's and P's. To fit with the halloween theme I also took an idea from Pinterest and combined with food that was easy to find/cheap.
Digestive biscuits can be used to scoop up the mousse to eat.