Monday 6 August 2012

August 2012

Well this post is a little bit of everything.
I have been doing little projects of photography, drawing, clothes, materials, textile designs. Most of the outcomes I will post on here once they are finished, but for now, here is bits and bobs of photogaphy, editing and drawing. Enjoy.

This is my lovely friend Annabel, just showing basic use of photoshop. Have you ever noticed that when you finally decide to show people your work you notice something that is wrong with it? It's so fustrating. Hopefully you won't notice...

I'm not usually one for collage, although I am brilliant at getting paints/fabrics/pastels EVERYWHERE, with this technique you risk getting your image messy. My old school friends will know I am not afraid of glue and I love arranging images to make my own, so I really can't put my finger on why it doesn't appeal to me.

The inspiration for this was butterflys from Vogue magazine. In one of my projects this year at university I looked at the concept of nature and man made objects. Whilst flicking through the May edition of Vogue I realised that half the magazine focused on florals and nature whilst the rest was promoting jewellery and accessories. Therefore as a 30 minute project I ended up with this-

This is one I actually drew last year, don't ask what type of guitar it is because I don't know. My friend really liked this guitar at the time and I have never thought about drawing a musical instrument. The cat is there because I think we had a random conversation about him also liking cats. So there you go...

My grandma has these funny little figurines, they are really entriging so I decided to photograph them. My grandma had positioned them on a window ledge which automaticall became a great background for my photographs.

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