Wednesday 29 August 2012

My link with the London 2012 Olympics; Saskia Clark

Before you click off because you have heard too much about the London 2012 games just read this first..

When I was eleven years old I appeared in my local newspaper along with a few sailing friends. The reason we were featured was because Saskia Clark had come back to her home village (MERSEA ISLAND, ESSEX) to coach a few budding, young and enthusiastic sailors. Saskia is on the left in this photo;

My mum kept the newspaper snipping and last year when packing my things to move to University, I came across it. This was around the same time that I competed in my last Mersea Cadet Week before I moved away from home. I won first place in the topper class of 2011;

I saw Saskia's name when I was look who had previously won the trophy, she had won the same cup in one of her cadet weeks. I followed Sakia as she came into the London 2012 Olympic games, a cardboard cut out of her was up in my West Mersea Yacht Club and so, of course, had a photo with her. Although, she looks a bit serious here;
I have continued to sail at Mersea but just for fun! A hobby I don't think I will ever stop doing, I couldn't have asked for a better place than 1st in my last year.
Saskia Clark achieved a silver medal in the 470 class along with team-mate Hannah Mills. Just pipped to the post by the kiwis, they are still really proud of their achievement. I look forward to what she can achieve next...

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