Monday 15 October 2012

Penguin costume

A dance-movie themed pub crawl.. naturally I picked Happy feet for inspiration! Dressing up as a penguin was a challenge but fun, most people understood what I was...

First, I headed down to primark to get the basic garments; white top/playsuit, waistcoat, gloves and leggings.
Next the market for the embellishments; ribbon, feather boa, tail/black material.

I sewed the feather boa onto the edges of the waistcoat...

then round the arm holes.
I used the remainder of the feather boa to wrap round my ankles, and the furry leg warmers I made for a previous outfit I put round my feet. Ignore my slippers.
The tail was trial and error, it is a square of black material folded in half, I ended up tucking it into a belt to get this effect:


I googled penguins and came up with this for the make-up..

Added long black gloves that was it! Penguin done.


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