Thursday 13 March 2014

Clock Drawings; Fine line pen

Time is an interesting concept; ways of measuring time have been a vital part of human life and we are surrounded by clocks in the twenty first century. An exhibition called Potts clocks looks at all the main clocks in the centre of leeds made by Mr Potts. They all have a distinctive design in the centre of the clock. Five Rhombuses that are rotated three hundred and sixty Degrees round a point creates the individuals signature design.

This week I took my sketchbook into town and recorded four of the clocks that Mr. Potts made. The clock face is quite simple, so the buildings are the variable in how much detail is around the clock and the clock handles. The drawings were recorded in the rain which slightly distorted the image, I used a thin black marker pen to get a graphic style influenced by Hennie Haworth and Rob Lowe.

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